200 Peso Banknote - Bank of the Philippine Islands

200 Peso Banknote - Bank of the Philippine Islands (1928)
American Regime

The front features Lady Justice holding scales and the seal of the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI). The signatures are of D Garcia (cashier) and Fulg Borromeo (president) . The serial number has been smudged in the scan upon request of the contributor.

This is one of the rarest banknotes ever issued during the American Regime. Only 1,700 were printed and not so many have survived. A more worn out version of this banknote was sold at ebay for more than $1,000.

*This post is sponsored by Frito Frio Fried Ice Cream

Manny Pacquiao on 5 Peso Bill

The Pacquiao vs Marquez Unfinished Business boxing match is at 8AM tomorrow, Philippine time. With that, it is time to add to our online collection this interesting 5-peso bill spoof featuring Manny Pacquiao at the obverse and one of his boxing matches at the back. It is a fine revival of the five peso banknote already out of print.

This spoof of the five peso bill has circulated in the internet last 2006 after Manny Pacquiao defeated Erik Morales and Oscar Larios in much anticipated boxing matches. Efforts were made to trace the creator of this banknote spoof but to no avail. Whoever you are, nice work!

Un Peso - Revolutionary Period

Un Peso Banknote
Philippine Republic of 1898

This Un (1) Peso banknote was used by the Philippine Government of 1898 under General Emilio Aguinaldo. Notes like this with serial numbers and signatures are very rare. This note was circulated along with Cinco Pesos banknotes and 2 centimos de peso copper coins. The printing of these currency displays the determination of the Aguinaldo Government to assert its independence.

Text on obverse:
Republica Filipina Papel Moneda de Un Peso
Ley 24 Abril 1899, El Delgado del Gobierno
1 Peso
Text on obverse:
Republica Filipina Un Peso
El Presidente de la Republica, Emilio Aguinaldo; El Presidente Consejo de Gobierno, Pedro A. Paterno
Este billete sera opportunamente cambiado por la Republica Filipina, y recibido en nago de contribuciones, derechos de Aduana y todo genero obligaciones
El falsificador sera castigado con todo el rigor de la Ley
Z. Fajardo

Imprenta Nacional á cargo de Z. Fajardo

*This post is sponsored by Frito Frio Fried Ice Cream