FAQs: BSP Banknote and Coin Redesign

The New Generation Currency Program of the Philippines

[Update: New Generation Philippine Banknotes released]

1. Why is the BSP changing the designs of our money?
As a matter of practice, central banks regularly change the designs of their money - whether coins or banknotes - to guard against counterfeiters. By making it very difficult and costly for counterfeiters to produce exact copies of our money, we protect the integrity of our currency against criminals. While other central banks redesign their banknotes every 10 years on average, our present currency series has been in place for about 25 years now.

2. How will BSP prevent the spread of counterfeit or fake money?

The BSP has upgraded the security features in all of our new generation banknotes to make it easier for the public to protect themselves from receiving fake money. The BSP will continue to mount a nationwide information campaign to educate our people on how to tell genuine banknotes from counterfeits. 3. What denominations are covered by the new designs? All of our six banknote denominations will have new designs: 20-piso, 50-piso, 100-piso, 200-piso, 500-piso, and 1,000- piso. We are starting the process of redesigning all of our coin denominations as well.4. When will the new currency be available?
The new currency designs will be available starting December 2010, nearly three years after
initial discussions on a new generation currency series started. We estimate that it will
also take about three years to develop the new generation coin series, from concept to
actual delivery of the new coins.5. Were there be changes in the size of our new banknotes?
The size of the new banknotes has been retained and will be the same as the present currency notes.

6. Will our new generation currency series be user-friendly for the public including
the visually-impaired in terms of identifying the different banknote denominations?
Yes, our new generation currency series will be user-friendly and allow easy identification of each denomination. These are our principal considerations in selecting the overall color and printing technique for our banknotes. Among others: The dominant color of each banknote denomination will be retained in the new generation currency series using distinct and primary printing inks. For instance, 20-piso will still be orange, 50-piso in red, 100-piso in violet, 200-piso in green, 500-piso in yellow, and 1,000-piso in blue. Global surveys indicate that people in general differentiate denominations by the dominant color of each banknote. The face value of the banknotes on the front side of the currency will be intaglio-printed to give an embossed feel that will help the visually-impaired differentiate each denomination. Big numerals corresponding to the denominational value are printed on both sides of the banknote.

7. What will happen to the existing currency in circulation?
The present banknotes will remain in circulation and will continue to be accepted as legal tender for at least three more years. Based on previous currency retirement or demonetization program of the BSP, this will give enough time for the public to make a full transition to our new generation currency. A separate schedule will be followed for coins. Appropriate announcements will be released before and after the introduction of our new banknotes and coins to guide the public and ensure a smooth transition to our new currency.

8. How does the BSP select new designs and security features for our new
generation currency notes?
The BSP has a Numismatic Committee that initiates the new design studies and proposes upgraded security features for consideration by its Monetary Board which in turn submits these to the President for final approval. In the case of the new generation currency, the BSP invited Filipino design groups to interpret concepts integrating icons, places and events of national, historical and cultural significance. Once the selection process was completed, the Monetary Board submitted the new design proposals for the final approval of the President of the Philippines.

9. What are the design elements of our new banknotes?

Our new banknotes pay tribute to Filipinos who played significant roles at various moments of our nation’s history. In addition, world heritage sites and iconic natural wonders of the Philippines are also proudly highlighted.

10. What are the designs elements of our new coins?

The new coins will feature our national symbols. However, the specific features have yet to be selected and finalized.

11. What are the considerations in the selection of security features for our new currency?
The BSP does research and benchmarking on security features that are available from global suppliers and are being used by other central banks. The choice of security features allow for four levels of authentication ranging from simple visual inspection to the more complex laboratory and forensic examination of suspected counterfeits. In particular, these are:Level I : Security features which can be easily recognized by the public without use of special instrument. These are the “look, feel, tilt” elements in the notes such as watermark, security thread, security fibers, and others.
Level II: Security features recognizable by professional cash handlers/bank tellers with the use of magnifying lens or ultraviolet light. Examples are fluorophosporescent features, security fibers, and microprinting.
Level III: The hidden or covert security features reserved for the use of the Bangko Sentral.
Level IV: Forensic security features for the use of law enforcers in testifying whether a banknote is genuine or counterfeit. These are detectable at specialized laboratories.

12. Is it costly to change currency designs and security features?
There are additional but relatively minimal expenses related to these. In general, the cost of changing currency design depends on the choice of security features. Newly developed features using cutting-edge technology are usually covered by Intellectual Property Rights which are more resistant to counterfeiting for a longer period and, therefore, costs a bit more. Nevertheless, the benefits far outweigh the incremental costs involved in shifting to the new designs, using new technology for its security features, and using durable abaca-reinforced paper that will incorporate the new embedded security features. 

13. Who will produce our new currency?
In accordance with global practice, the preparation of the metal plates and dies for the production of money is done by highly specialized groups called “originators.” Based on these origination materials, the BSP conducted an international open competitive bidding for the printing of the first batch of our new currency. Thus, our new generation currency will be printed initially by international currency printers. Subsequently, the BSP’s Quezon City Security Plant Complex will print our new generation currency. BSP continues to invest in SPC to upgrade and increase its printing capacity to meet the demands of our growing population and economy.

14. Why does the BSP outsource the printing of some of its currency when it has its own printing facility?
Like other central banks that print their own currency, the BSP resorts to outsourcing part of its currency requirements as a temporary stop-gap measure to meet surges in currency demand. We are in the process of acquiring additional printing equipment to keep pace with currency demand which has risen in parallel with sustained growth in our population and our economy.
We are proud that an all-Filipino team operates the BSP printing facility that meets most of the currency demand of our country. There are about 80 countries that do not have their own banknote printing facility and rely entirely on outsourcing to meet their currency requirements. Countries that outsource 100% of their currency requirements include Singapore, Finland, Brunei, Sweden, Bahrain, Peru, Luxembourg, Kenya, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, and Qatar.

15. What is the more economical option: outsourcing or printing our own currency?

As a general rule, printing of our currency at the SPC is cheaper than outsourcing finished notes. This is the reason why the BSP is investing in the continuous upgrading and modernization of our Security Plant Complex. In fact, the bidding for our new banknote printing and finishing equipment is in place. However in exceptional cases, the cost of outsourced banknotes may be lower than that of SPC-printed notes depending on the volume of order, foreign exchange rate, as well as the timing of procurement. For instance, when a foreign printer has idle printing
capacity, it may opt to quote lower-than-standard industry rates to optimize use of its facilities. Fluctuations in costs of major materials purchased through competitive bidding, such as paper,
are also influenced by the level of orders from other countries at
the time of the bidding.

16. Did we use polymer or plastic in our money like some countries?

No, we will not use plastic or polymer in the production of our banknotes. What we will use is durable paper made principally of 80% cotton and 20% abaca in support of Filipino abaca farmers. We have been using Philippine abaca as it has improved the durability and extended the life span of our banknotes. Other countries including Japan also use abaca on their banknotes. To make sure that our suppliers use Philippine abaca, we require them to submit
shipping documents that indicate the volume of abaca purchased from accredited Filipino abaca suppliers. As a matter of policy, we have made the use of Philippine abaca mandatory for suppliers of our banknote paper.

17. Why is the middle initial of the President "S"?
In a memorandum dated 17 August 2011, the Office of the President, through the Presidential Management Staff, announced that all official communications, collaterals, and documents bearing the name of the chief executive should read: "President Benigno S. Aquino III."

18. Why is the "Malacañan Palace" spelled as such in the new banknotes?
Malacañan Palace is the official residence of the President. For proper usage, Malacañan (without the letter "g") should be used when it is followed by Palace. Malacañang, which refers to the Office of the President, should not be followed by Palace.

19. Why are the scientific names not italicized and why are the first letters of each of the names in uppercase?

The adoption of the style for the scientific names is an aesthetic decision.

20. How much does each banknote cost?
Depending on the security features used, the cost of production is between three to four pesos per banknote.

21. Why did BSP print younger portraits on the new banknotes?

BSP Printed younger portraits because Filipino featured in the banknotes were in their youth when they began contributing to nation-building.

22. Who chose the portraits printed on the banknotes?

The portraits were provided and approved by the heirs and relatives of the Filipinos featured in the banknotes.

23. Why does it seem that only few banknotes are circulating?

BSP continues to print more New Generation banknotes, which will circulate with the older series until BSP  announces their demonetizatioin. It seems that few new banknotes are circulating because some people do not spend them, jeeo them in their wallets or hold on to them as souvenirs. 

24. Will the new banknotes fit in the cartridges of Banks' ATMs?
The size and weight of the new banknotes are similar to the earlier banknote series, and they fit in the cartridges of banks' automated teller machines (ATMs).

25. What is BSP's policy on how much money to produce?
BSP produces just enough money that the economy needs. Producing more than what is necessary is bad policy because it tends to increase the prices of goods and services and reduce the purchasing power of the peso.


  1. very informative

  2. finally!! i found what im looking for.. thanks!

  3. Anonymous2:29 PM

    very good blog =) will start to back read to know more =) keep it up =)

  4. Anonymous2:34 AM

    hello! do you have any photo of the redesigned banknotes and coins?. or is it still the old one with enhance security features?.

  5. Giselle1:39 PM


    I was wondering where can I get your contact email? I would like to propose something to you. I can't find your email in your blog. Hoping for your reply. Thank you.

  6. @Giselle: You may contact me through my blog at http://rexdelsar.com

  7. Just curious, are you doing coin/currency collection as business or just a hobby?

  8. Just a hobby since I was a little boy. ^_^

  9. Wow, one of the best read posts so far.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Will President Benigno Noynoy Aquino still get a signatory on the present 500 peso bill?

  13. Anonymous2:31 PM

    hello rex,just want to ask if there's any difference between the material or process used in the fabrication of 200 peso bills under different series(2002, 2004, 2007 etc)...we are working on a project and the bill acceptor we are using hardly recognizes 200 bills...i hope you can help us...you can send me an email:jaevonnepacol@yahoo.com....i will greatly appreciate it:-)

  14. karin9:07 PM

    hi rex i just want to ask if theres any law that banknote can be converted into coin..???

    like 10 peso and 5 peso coin..and what are they basis on converting the said banknotes..

    thank you!!!!

    i really need this information for my project,,, thanks alot..godbless!!

  15. Anonymous12:49 PM

    you can check some references here.


  16. I just noticed an inconsistency with the design. I liked the design very much, it is very well thought of and is consistent through out all the notes. The reverse side shows the Philippines stylized sun, the Philippine map, a famous Philippine spot as a background and an endemic Philippine animal as a foreground. What bothers me is the name used for the famous spot. To be consistent with the whole design, shouldn't the name used for the background be the Tagalog name of the place? This is a Philippine peso bill in the first place and there should be nothing foreign in the design (remember the issue the American flag on the Philippine 50-peso bill made?)

  17. ERRATUM: that should have been 100-peso bill not 50

  18. Anonymous5:59 PM

    there were certain errors in some banknotes. but we would get used to it by time...

  19. Anonymous6:03 PM

    there is a monetary board that checks if the banknote is appropriate or not.

    im taking financial management and i know it.
    and it takes years before they could be able to approve it.

  20. wahh now i know the details of why we have to change the faces of our money.

    thanks for sharing ! more power to your blog!

    (by the way, i link you blog for my current post. i hope it's okay with you.)

  21. Very informative..this is gonna be great help for my repot in Economics...whew

  22. How many times does the BSP print notes and coins?

  23. Anonymous5:51 PM

    how many coins and bills bsp can produce in a minute?

  24. Anonymous5:18 PM

    can u give an example of impossible to identify money? those money that the bsp will not be accepting anymore?
