Redesigned Philippine Banknotes

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is currently in the process of redesigning all Philippine banknotes which have hardly changed over the past two decades. However, a 21-year old designer from Pennsylvania went ahead of BSP and created interesting new Philippine Peso banknote designs which serves well as an appetizer for the real ones to come. I think this serves well also as a challenge for the Philippine central bank to be very creative in making radically new money.

In his blog, Ryan Riegner echoes my appreciation for banknote design. He also explains why he chose to play around with redesigning the Philippine peso.
Paper currency, regardless of it’s technical beauty, elegant craftsmanship and saturation into everyday life, it is one of the most commonly overlooked aspects of remarkable design… so I chose to redesign some. I decided to go with the Philippine peso, as I will be traveling to Australia and Southeast Asia this winter. I chose to focus primarily on applying governmental requirements, specific imagery, color, and form relative to the Philippines that showcased both internal and external associations with this island nation, and I am more than pleased with the result. I plan to distribute them to locals, possibly as trade if and when I arrive.
P100 bill features Melchora Aquino

P500 bill features Marcelo H. del Pilar

P2000 bill features Lapu-lapu (I think)

Ryan's three designs (100, 500, 2000 denominations) have the look of polymer notes which the BSP is also considering. However, there are some glitches in the spelling such as "Republica" instead of "Republika." The 100-peso notes are also wrongly indicated as "sandaang libong piso" (100,000) instead of "sandaang piso" while the 50-peso notes are "limang piso" (5) where they should be "limandaang piso." Nevertheless the relatively 'simple' designs are very interesting.

We do hope the BSP will open the redesigning of Philippine currency to all Filipinos in some sort of art contest. How about you? How do you want Philippine money to look like?


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    nice hope to see more design in the future

    1. New proposed currencies 5000 pesos 10000 pesos 20000 pesos will be added for the new currency by BSP/Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas by 2020 few more years from now.Thanks for the information. From:Wayne

  2. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I don't like the designs they look like coupons

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    They look like gift certificates

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Too much color... sorry I don't like

  5. Anonymous8:11 PM

    It should be "limampung piso" not limandaang

  6. Anonymous8:28 PM

    The BSP , I think want to redesign our peso money in the near 2011? I love the deisgn it's like Singapore Dollar type

  7. Nice blog.

    BTW, you might found these interesting:

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    500Pesos Business :

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    Thanks. Happy blogging.

    1. By the year 2020-50 they will be 60 pesos equals to US dollar($1.00) in the Philippines in the future. Thanks! From:Wayne

  8. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I think opening it as an art contest to all filipinos from around the world will create a better design, better taste and more meaning for our country as we brainstorm together in harmony and not as an individual.

    Graphic Designer

  9. Anonymous10:59 AM

    In redesigning Phils.banknotes, it should be opened to every citizen where a prize will be at stake. Designs should either be pictures of heroes, places, etc. The committee should agree which to adopt.The more entries the better

    1. Proposed new currency 5000 peso bill will be the new denomination in the Philippines by BSP/Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas in the near future. Thanks for the information. From:Wayne

  10. Anonymous11:01 AM

    In redesigning Phils.banknotes, it should be opened to every citizen where a prize will be at stake. Designs should either be pictures of heroes, places, etc. The committee should agree which to adopt. romantic jonzon

    1. Proposed to redesign the peso bills to be watermarked & identified against counterfeiting & smuggling of money bills with security devices & threads as protective currencies.Thanks! From :Wayne

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. There should be a rule that would require how many years a design would last. The redesigning of our notes and coins should be opened to every filipino where an ample prize should be given to the best designer. Designs are either names of places, heroes, national heritage and important events that depict our rich and peculiar filipino culture.

    1. I am the staunch collector of foreign coins & bills as collectors item kept in museum & keepsake boxes is for numismatic use as historical relics fr the Philippines & the world. Thanks! From:Wayne

  13. There should be a rule that would require how many years a design would last. The redesigning of our notes and coins should be opened to every filipino where an ample prize should be given to the best designer. Designs are either names of places, heroes, national heritage and important events that depict our rich and peculiar filipino culture.

    1. Philippine money redesign its new look new places new heroes & historic people from the Philippines. Thanks!

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  15. Anonymous9:52 AM

    looks more like Euro money to me

    1. I am the staunch collector of foreign coins & bills from different countries around the world as collectors items & souvenirs too. Thanks. From:Wayne

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